Weight Loss Solutions
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Email us: info@ultimateweightloss4me.com

       Frequently Asked Questions
About the OPTIFAST® Program Diet

OPTIFAST is a comprehensive weight management program that combines lifestyle education classes and medical monitoring with a meal replacement diet. To get detailed information on the OPTIFAST program, patients attend a free, no-obligation consultation that takes about 20 minutes to 45 minutes.
Where can I buy OPTIFAST products?

OPTIFAST is distributed through weight loss clinics nationwide and is not authorized for retail sale. OPTIFAST is distributed by trained healthcare professionals to patients who have been through an initial screening process and participate in an ongoing OPTIFAST program.
Who is OPTIFAST designed for?

OPTIFAST is designed for patients with a body mass index greater than 30, and is only recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment program.
Is medically monitored weight loss safe?

Clinical studies suggest medically monitored weight management programs are safe, effective and help individuals to address and modify behaviors to encourage long-term weight management.
Will I keep my weight off?

Patients who continue to use weight maintenance programs have a greater chance of keeping weight off than those patients who do not continue using weight maintenance programs. Fifty percent of patients assessed five years after completing the OPTIFAST Program kept enough weight off to improve their health long term.
How long does the OPTIFAST Program usually last?

The OPTIFAST Program usually lasts 18 weeks, utilizing a full meal replacement plan that transitions to self-prepared “everyday” meals in conjunction with comprehensive patient education and support.
How much weight will I lose?

Although individual results vary, the typical OPTIFAST patient loses over 50 lbs in 18-24 weeks.
Can I eat food while on the OPTIFAST Program?

The OPTIFAST Program consists of three phases – an Active Weight Loss Phase, a Transition Phase, and a Long-Term Weight Management Phase. During the 12-week Active Weight Loss Phase, you will consume a full meal replacement diet of OPTIFAST products. During the Transition Program, you will transition to eating self-prepared regular food. Please consult with your Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions healthcare professional on what is appropriate for you.
How much does OPTIFAST cost?

The cost of the OPTIFAST program varies by person and on the specific program that is right for your weight loss goals and individual medical situation. To get detailed information on the OPTIFAST program, patients attend a free, no-obligation consultation.
Is OPTIFAST covered by insurance?

Insurance carriers are inconsistent in what they cover when it comes to weight loss and vary greatly by state. It’s important to contact insurance providers, prior to the program, to see if they cover a portion of it. Employee benefits and health care spending accounts are also options for reimbursement with some employers.
Can I lose weight and keep it off if I don’t exercise?

It is possible to lose weight and keep it off without exercise, but it is very rare. According to the National Weight Control Registry data, people who don’t begin an exercise program when they try to lose weight and/or stop exercising after losing weight, almost always regain whatever weight they took off. The NWCR has identified that successful long-term weight loss maintainers report high levels of regular physical activity.
Who is Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions?

Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions is the most comprehensive weight loss program. With medical guidance throughout the program, Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions uses education, nutrition, and lifestyle education classes to help you lose weight and feel healthy in Mind, Body, and Soul.
Call today: 805.444.9791
Email us: info@ultimateweightloss4me.com
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